On Thu, 02 Oct 2008 14:57:26 GMT, James Silverton wrote:
> Scott wrote on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 09:52:23 -0500:
>> http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/...-buffets_N.htm
> Probably true but I quote:
> "Customers who are not heavy are more likely to browse the buffet before
> serving themselves, use chopsticks instead of forks and sit with their
> backs to the food, a study by Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab
> shows."
> If I sat with my back to my food and tried to use chopsticks, I'd starve
> quickly!
that's how you know you're *really* good. the behind-the-back taco has
been accomplished by only a few kung fu masters.
your pal,