Leftover Brussels Sprouts - BS detractors need not apply
In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> I cooked a bunch for dinner last night and have a bunch left over (I
> cooked them all at once).
> What can I do with them besides a simple reheat? Soup?
> I'm thinking about marinating them with a couple other veggies for a
> marinated veg salad.
> Whadday think?
A friend of mine constantly rants about this glazed brussels
sprouts recipe she has. She claims even kids like them (which
seems hard to believe, but her kids are really hearty
trencherwomen). I can't get her recipe for a while, but here's
one online that claims you can make the sprouts ahead of time:
I assume you can make it without the carrots without disturbing
the artistic integrity of the dish . . . .
Mike Beede