Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "Dimitri" > wrote:
>> Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast were on sale (8 Hour sale) for
>> $1.79 per pound. I was running low so I purchased my usual 10 lbs.
>> Now BSCB can run from $5.00 per pound to $1.79 per pound. For the
>> most part I don't see a lot of flavor difference between the
>> brands/prices.
>> How about you? Do you have a preference? Are the higher prices BSCB
>> worth the difference in price?
>> Dimitri
> I buy fresh split breast and debone it myself. It's cheaper and gives
> me ingredients for stock. :-)
Hear hear! It's been years since I bought boneless skinless chicken
breasts. They are *always* a couple of dollars more per pound, even on
sale. I do buy the boneless skinless thighs from time to time (I'm not a
huge fan of chicken). I haven't tried deboning chicken thighs... yet.