Breakfast conversation?
Andy wrote:
> beth thomas said...
>> Have mercy is right! I am never up this early except for medical
>> emergencies and my kids' activities. Now, it would be a medical
>> emergency if I did not have coffee, but all is well. I do have to
>> travel 2 hours away with a car full of middle school cheerleaders to a
>> competition, however, so I do not preclude an emergency. Perhaps a hair
>> emergency, or a texting emergency, or some sort of sparkle emergency.
>> If there is not a cold bottle of wine when I get home, THAT will be an
>> emergency!!!!
> Beth,
> Clue me in? Are women in perpetual emergencies? Or do you just make it
> sound that way? <G>
> Best,
> Andy
Women? No. Teenage girls? You betcha.
gloria p