In article >,
"modom (palindrome guy)" > wrote:
> It's become modom's house o' mouse. Became such in a matter of a
> couple of days. Mouseless to mouse-o-rama in not more than 48 hours.
> D and I hauled all the drygoods and other comestibles out of the
> pantry yesterday to clean off the shelves and better seal the food
> away from pests. Everything is in plastic containers.
> Today I went out to buy mouse traps. Went to the local hardware
> store. Went to Wal Mart. Went to another local store. Ran out of
> stores.
> There are no mouse traps in Cow Hill. They're all sold. A nice old
> geezer stocking the shelves at the local "hardware and feed" place
> told me he can't keep them. Puts 'em out, and they're gone. He also
> said mice ate the wiring around his car's engine.
> Appears we have ourselves a plague.
No worries, mate. We can ship you one of these, and your problem will
be cleared up in no time.
Julian Vrieslander