In article >, Andy <q> wrote:
> Omelet said...
> > Anyone else cook mostly on weekends?
> Om,
> Sunday is the day of rest. I cook whatever on Saturdays, sure enough but
> "Never on a Sunday!"
I try to get most of it done on Saturday but since I work night
shifts... <g> Some of it gets done on early Sunday, then I go back to
sleep. ;-)
Right now I've got "Man On Fire" on the DVD queue.
> I don't know didly squat about jelly loaf or chicken feet. Must try,
> someday... maybe.
For Jelly Loaf, google for "calves foot jelly". I make variations on
the basic recipe using those, or trotter or chicken foot stock. It seems
to help dad a LOT with both energy levels and short term memory. Also
helps somewhat to prevent his occasional dementia episodes. Not sure
what the mechanism is, all I know is that it works. He craves it now
that I've started making it a regular dietary item so I see no reason to
stop. It's not that complicated, just a little time consuming. Last
weeks batch was fortified with beef heart puree. Good thing too as he
had a really bad paranoia episode. It subsided after about 3 days.
I've been eating a lot of chicken feet now for the past three months due
to some serious back issues. I'm semi-disabled at the moment and am
trying to reverse it. Both the Ortho' and the Chiro' say I can't. I
want to prove them wrong if I can. The last two disks on my lower
lumbar spine (L-4 and L5) are essentially gone. Bone on bone pinches a
lot of nerves to the legs.
I know I'm not in nearly as much pain now as I was at the end of April.
'course the EMS unit helps somewhat too. <g> Better than pain drugs.
So as a result, I have a LOT of collagen rich stock I need to dispose
of. The collagen rich diet has done wonders for my skin, hair and
fingernails over the past 3 months if nothing else! I started it in
June once I found out about the degenerative disk disease and
non-operable lumbar scoliosis that was causing this mess.
As you can see, the sacral plate is crooked causing a pelvic tilt. I
have to work not to walk with a limp. Only do so when it hurts. ;-/
> Hi Pops!
Bite me babycakes. <g> I'm only 46 so this really sucks, but working in
health care gives one some perspective. I've not missed a single day of
work since that bad fall in April that started all of this mess. :-P
> Best,
> Andy
Cheers! Om -> highly recommending a high collagen diet to ANYONE that
has spinal disk issues...
Gods... I'm beginning to sound like Damsel. <g> Such is life.
Peace! Om
"He who has the gold makes the rules"
"He who has the guns can get the gold."
-- Steve Rothstein