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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Posts: 7,055
Default Bait and other things to eat

"modom (palindrome guy)" wrote:
> I baited the traps with some crumbly Mexican queso at first, but the
> little *******s were able to steal the bait. Then late at night I
> switched to small strips of cabbage. It did the trick. After
> rebaiting one trap and setting it in the pantry (only clobbered my
> thumb once in the process), I turned to another mouse whacker and more
> cabbage only to hear a WHACK! in the pantry.

The idea that mice love cheese seems as bogus
as the idea that rabbits love carrots.

For mice, rats, and squirrels (death to squirrels!)
walnuts in my experience have been most effective.
In the last couple of months, that worked on one mouse,
two rats, and two squirrels.

I mount one walnut half on the trigger, and I take
a few small pieces and crumble them up over the
trigger area, so that they emit an attractive
nut aroma. It's all about presentation. :-)