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Ms P Ms P is offline
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Default Bait and other things to eat

"modom (palindrome guy)" > wrote in message
> The mice saga continues.
> We got some traps in a neighboring town after a really fine barbecue
> dinner with friends (ribs, hot sausage, and brisket -- dinner not the
> friends). Then it was back home to kill some of the mouse hoard.
> I baited the traps with some crumbly Mexican queso at first, but the
> little *******s were able to steal the bait. Then late at night I
> switched to small strips of cabbage. It did the trick. After
> rebaiting one trap and setting it in the pantry (only clobbered my
> thumb once in the process), I turned to another mouse whacker and more
> cabbage only to hear a WHACK! in the pantry.
> One down.
> D found another this morning in the pantry. Same trap. Next to the
> wine bottles. No idea what that signifies.
> Tonight I've switched bait again because I fried up the last of the
> most recent batch of homemade bacon. Bacon rind is tough enough that
> they'll either have to leave it or die. And homemade bacon is to die
> for.
> Along with bacon, we had a fritata of sorts with some of the
> afore-mentioned queso and some leftover mustard greens. Also some
> sliced tomatoes.
> --
> modom
> ** Posted from **

I use canned cat food in the traps. I have to set the traps where the cat
won't get them and it's always a real toss up whether the cat or the traps
will get the mice first. She's pretty good about catching mice though, she
loves toys that play back.

Ms P