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modom (palindrome guy)[_2_] modom (palindrome guy)[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 371
Default Bait and other things to eat

On Sun, 5 Oct 2008 22:37:01 -0400, "Nancy Young"
> wrote:

>modom (palindrome guy) wrote:
>> Tonight I've switched bait again because I fried up the last of the
>> most recent batch of homemade bacon. Bacon rind is tough enough that
>> they'll either have to leave it or die. And homemade bacon is to die
>> for.

>That'll be the day I share bacon with rodent pests. Heh.

Indeed. Let me be perfectly clear for the record and not equivocate
in the slightest: We ate the bacon. Rodents get none of my bacon. I
baited the traps with the rind, which, while it is tasty, is not as
good as the bacon and is tough enough to loosen you fillings if you do
eat it. Basically it's pig skin. Cured and smoked pig skin, but
essentially pig skin.
>> Along with bacon, we had a fritata of sorts with some of the
>> afore-mentioned queso and some leftover mustard greens. Also some
>> sliced tomatoes.

>That sounds excellent. I'm sorry about your thumb. I hope you
>run out of uninvited guests soon. It's freaky they all showed up
>at once like that.

I think it has to do with our dry spell. We've had no rain in weeks,
and any moisture associated with our house (condensation from the AC
unit, e.g.) is a big draw. Also, the guy at the local "hardware and
feed" store told me the farmers around here are plowing their fields
after the harvest, and that drives mice away from their summer digs
into digs like mine.

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