Bait and other things to eat
modom (palindrome guy) wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Oct 2008 22:37:01 -0400, "Nancy Young"
> > wrote:
>> That'll be the day I share bacon with rodent pests. Heh.
> Indeed. Let me be perfectly clear for the record and not equivocate
> in the slightest: We ate the bacon. Rodents get none of my bacon. I
> baited the traps with the rind, which, while it is tasty, is not as
> good as the bacon and is tough enough to loosen you fillings if you do
> eat it. Basically it's pig skin. Cured and smoked pig skin, but
> essentially pig skin.
Gotcha, that's different. And being chewy, will set off the trap.
>> That sounds excellent. I'm sorry about your thumb. I hope you
>> run out of uninvited guests soon. It's freaky they all showed up
>> at once like that.
> I think it has to do with our dry spell. We've had no rain in weeks,
> and any moisture associated with our house (condensation from the AC
> unit, e.g.) is a big draw. Also, the guy at the local "hardware and
> feed" store told me the farmers around here are plowing their fields
> after the harvest, and that drives mice away from their summer digs
> into digs like mine.
Hey, I saw that movie! yeah, that would do it. I imagine you've
checked everywhere they could be getting in and stuffed it
with steel wool, that will help.