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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Bait and other things to eat

In article > ,
Dave Smith > wrote:

> Omelet wrote:
> >
> >> The idea that mice love cheese seems as bogus
> >> as the idea that rabbits love carrots.

> >
> > No, rabbits DO love carrots, and a variety of other veggies. ;-)
> > We used to raise them and fed kitchen scraps.

> Indeed they do. I have had a few pet rabbits and they loved carrots, as
> do most herbivores. My brother has a Labrador Retriever for whom carrots
> are a favourite treat. He loves them.
> Years ago when I looked after the animals in a psychology lab there was
> one monkey in my charge. One day I took him a variety of fruits and
> vegetables to see which he would eat first. I took and orange, an apple,
> a banana and an onion. He went for the onion first.

Probably needed the sulphur. It's a drastically underestimated
nutrient. Eggs and garlic are good for that too. It is needed for joint

> > Peanut butter is simpler, stickier, and it works. I've noted that 3
> > other people have recommended it. I learned it from my high school
> > biology professor and it's never failed me.

> It is an effective bait. I never have peanut butter in the house. The
> last time I had to set a trap I got a few peanuts and ground them up
> with the stick blender to make enough peanut butter to bait a few traps.
> It worked.

I only purchase peanut butter for rat poisoning or trapping. I never eat
it myself any more. ;-) It's calorie content WAY outstrips it's
nutritional value so I don't bother with it as a dietary item.

I used to also use it in baby bird formulas just for the calories when
we did wildlife rescue. It cured "failure to thrive" in omnivorous
infant birds like those in the crow family.
Peace! Om

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