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kilikini kilikini is offline
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Default Food for the week

Sheldon wrote:
> "kilikini" wrote:
>> Sheldon wrote:
>>> Omelet wrote:

>>>> I could not afford to live on disability. ?It does not pay enough.

>>> Well, wouldn't that depend on the amount of your disability income
>>> and your debts? ?I think Social Security Disability is more than
>>> enough, and if one gets a small income from an employer's LTD there
>>> should be plenty to live well, so long as one doesn't waste their
>>> money on nonsensical things, like gambling, boozing, illict drugs,
>>> and shooting guns.

>> I get $108.50 for SSDI.

> That's because you didn't work (still don't work, and have no desire
> to ever work) and you're much too young for retirement. I know two
> disabled people in particular who are over 65 and suppliment their
> fixed income by working from home on their computer... one does very
> well
> ebaying, the other does even better as an on-line black jack dealer
> for a gambling web site. When someone wants to work there are plenty
> of opportunities, anyone who is capable of usenetting has no excuse.
> SS is not and was never intended to cover all ones expenses, it's only
> meant as a suppliment... you're supposed to amass your own funds for
> retirement over your entire lifetime... being a poor money manager is
> no excuse whatsoever, some hire a money management specialist but any
> bank will figure out your budget and guide you for free.
> You're supposed to socialize with those who made a success of their
> lives and be open to learning from them. But when folks instead
> choose to hang with like losers who comfort each other with their
> group poor-me whining workshops then they are way beyond salvation.
> You obviously don't value success, you place more worth in failure.

I didn't work? I've owned 3 businesses! Where are you getting your
information from?

kili <--- who's much too young to be riddled with cancer and complications,
in her opinion.