Who's the ass in the Burger King ads?
"Monroe, of course..." > wrote in message
> In article <NsAsb.184212$Tr4.511729@attbi_s03>, notbob
> > wrote:
> > On 2003-11-11, Jack Schidt® > wrote:
> >
> > > To me, it sucks that he sold out, but his books are solid references
> > > good mex cooking.
> >
> > Very true. I know a few good Mex cooks (including inlaws) and even MY
> > first feeble attempts, based on Rick's authentic recipes, leave 'em in
> > the dust everytime. But, feel free to kick him in the nuts for
> > selling out ...and his talk-like-a-kiddiote-show-host mannerisms on
> > his tv show.
> >
> RB was on Julia Child's show as a featured guest not long ago. This
> seems kinda strange to me considering how she'd whinged in the past
> about how all this hot peppers and chiles in everything was
> contributing to what she termed " palate death". Tres awkward.
> Who's the sellout there-Him or Her?
> monroe(lady-tiger)
Julia's a great chef and an icon, but I get the impression she never did get
native american cuisine.