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The Fat Man®
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Default price to sharpen knives

Eddie wrote:
> As the holidays get closer, I figured I'd better get the kitchen
> knives sharpened. I haven't sharpened knives in years!
> I called a couple places and they want $6.50 per knife regardless of
> size. One wants $85 min. if they come to the house.
> Another shop had a price of $5.00 for large and $3.00 for small.
> Both sound a little high for me. I have about 10-15 with most
> considered large that I'd like sharpened. So I might end up just
> getting one large sharpened and use it for the next couple months.
> Should stay sharp I hope.
> l know nothing of store sharpeners, such as type, price, etc.
> Any other suggestions?

Dude, $6.50 to produce a sharp knife from a piece of shit is *more* than

Eddie, you're a tight-ass. These folks make a living doing this. Evidently
they do a good job of it, or they wouldn't be in business.

Do you really want to pay them McDonalds wages so you can use their skills
to prepare gourmet food?

Check the prices on new knives. Their resharpening prices are nonexistent
compared to new.

If you had the mad skillz to sharpen them yourself, then you would have the
room to bitch. As it stands, you're a tight ass.