In article >,
bugbear > wrote:
> Steve Pope wrote:
> >
> > Yes, you're doing something wrong, you're using non-stick
> > cookware.
> What's your preferred way to do scrambled egg?
I made scrambled eggs for my wife and me for breakfast yesterday. First
I took three small potatoes, stood them on their sides on the skinny
part, cut the sides off (so they would lay flat in the pan) and cut them
into two or three slices. Put them in a non-stick fry pan with canola
oil. Since they were thick (about 1/2 inch), they needed to start
cooking first or they would burn on the outside and not cook inside. I
then broke six eggs into a bowl, and added a splash of milk and two
kinds of spice mixes. I stirred well, and stirred occasionally while
the potatoes cooked and I prepped. I put a generous glob of butter in a
small non-stick fry pan and added a small amount of fine dice of onion
and green bell pepper. I cut up some deli sandwich ham into little
squares and tossed that in the small pan with the onion and pepper. I
just cooked it until it separated, with a layer of butter on it and it
wasn't cold anymore. I grated some mild cheese (1/2 cup). Sharp would
have been better, but my wife buys mild because that's what our daughter
likes. Since our daughter doesn't live with us and hasn't eaten a meal
at home with us for months, that doesn't make sense.
When the potatoes looked done, I threw a couple of pieces of bread in
the toaster and cranked up the heat on the small pan. I added the eggs
and cooked until almost set. I then added the grated cheese while
flipping the eggs around.
It was a feast. We had plain oatmeal this morning.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA