Finally Food Rules: Labels Must Now Give Origin
Al Bundy wrote:
> A few months ago I noticed that the local Dollar Tree was selling
>fruit from China in thick glass jars. It was the thick glass jars that
>caught my attention as everything else around here is packaged in
>cans. I was glad it stated the country of origin. That made my
>decision not to purchase. That fruit must be very cheap if they can
>afford to ship it here in heavy jars and still make money.
Aldi's carries a 24-oz jarred fruit from China that sells for about
$2.25 in a light syrup (peaches, pears, pineapple & maraschino
cherries). The quality is actually quite excellent and IMO, better than
a similar product by Dole that typically sells for $3.99 in the major
grocers around here. It's about 75 cents more than their canned pears
or peaches, but better quality than either with a convenient variety
of fruit, although I've been known to mix a can of their peaches with a
can of pears and a few maraschino cherries (also from Aldies at about $1
for a small jar) with a freshly cut apple, etc for a quick, more frugal
fruit cup.