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Posted to,misc.consumers,misc.consumers.frugal-living,tx.guns,az.politics
professorgunz professorgunz is offline
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Posts: 2
Default Finally Food Rules: Labels Must Now Give Origin

Al Bundy wrote:
> professorgunz wrote:
>> Seems like a government-imposed, silly waste of time and money to me.
>> And what does it have to do w/ tx.guns?

> A few months ago I noticed that the local Dollar Tree was selling
> fruit from China in thick glass jars. It was the thick glass jars that
> caught my attention as everything else around here is packaged in
> cans. I was glad it stated the country of origin. That made my
> decision not to purchase. That fruit must be very cheap if they can
> afford to ship it here in heavy jars and still make money.

When I was a kid, lots of stuff was sold in thick glass jars. Whether
it still is probably depends on the local availability and price of
plastic vs. glass.

a) what's so bad about someone provideng produce at a low price?
b) what does that have to do w/ tx.guns?