Gross, Gross, Gross
Tracy wrote:
> Nancy2 wrote:
>> On Oct 7, 8:20 pm, Tracy > wrote:
>>> Sheldon wrote:
>>>>> Tracy wrote:
>>>>>> I stopped by a local Middle Eastern store today to pick up
>>>>>> coarse semolina Tonight I was putting them away when I noticed a
>>>>>> funny dark spot
>>>>>> inside and I saw that it was a worm. > Totally grossed me out. I
>>>>>> tossed them all into the garbage can outside. I will stop at the
>>>>>> store tomorrow and ask for my money back.
>>>>>> Tracy
>>>>>> (totally icked out)
>>>> Shoulda brought them back, you tossed away your proof... but since
>>>> you're not going to shop there anymore...
>>> Well, I just couldn't stand knowing they were in my kitchen. The
>>> store is reputable. If they don't believe me then they've lost a
>>> customer.
>> I would have put them in Ziplocs and taken them back. I took milk
>> back that was sour before the "sell by" date - once. I have since
>> changed brands.
>> N.
> Well, I had put the three bags in another plastic grocery bag and put
> them in the trash outside.
> I decided this morning that I would grab them and bring them with me
> to the store this afternoon.
> I am heading out in about an hour. I am curious about how they will
> react.
> -Tracy
Hopefully they'll be glad you pointed out the problem. All the bags they
have might be infested...