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Default price to sharpen knives

"Eddie" > wrote in message
> As the holidays get closer, I figured I'd better get the kitchen
> knives sharpened. I haven't sharpened knives in years!
> I called a couple places and they want $6.50 per knife regardless of
> size. One wants $85 min. if they come to the house.


Call some of your major hardware chains. Ace Hardware here in
Tampa sharpens knives for about $1.50 each. They have impressive
looking equipment, but I wasn't overly impressed with the results on
my steak knives. I have tried several sharpening systems particularly
stones, but including the Chef's Choice electric. I currently use just
(diamond) steel. My knives are cheap (Chicago Cutlery), but
extremely sharp.

Brick(Masta Couch Bouncer)