Sheldon wrote:
On Oct 7, 11:07?pm, "Gregory Morrow" >
> October 8, 2008
> The Curious Cook
> What's Hot, What's Not, in Pots and Pans
Unfortunately the article is not truthful, right from the gitgo the
title is a lie, it only adresses pans but not pots. And then omits
the three most popular genre of pans used by professionals and home
cooks entirely; plain aluminum, stainless steel, and carbon steel.
Professional cooks do not use cast iron (plain or porcelainized),
solid copper, non-stick coated, or multi-clad, except on TV.
GM replies:
Much of the food writing in the NYT and other papers has gotten to the point
of being as lame as most of the shows on The Food Network, e.g. it's fairly
undisguised shilling...
The NYT "Travel" section used to be the best around but lately it seems
their writing is done by a buncha high schoolers cribbing from an old volume
of the _World Book Encyclopedia_...
So goes the slide of US journalism in general...