Sources for Virginia - Country hams??
Sheldon wrote:
> George Cebulka wrote:
>> Can anybody recommend a mail order or web order company that sells whole
>> � �Virginia or Country Hams?
>> � � �I bought a country ham last year from Burgers Smokehouse...It was
>> really good, but it was rather pricey. So if anybody has any recs,
>> please let me know.
> What's the big deal about cured ham, it's just a big ole hog's
> buttocks with lotsa salt... a plain old fresh ham before it's all
> fercockted up with chemicals is a thousand times better than any kinda
> cured/preserved ham... you just gotta have salty pork git yerself a
> baloney sammiche, or tube steak onna bun, it'll still be salty pork
> but at least it won't cost ya a whole day's pay for taste in ass salty
> pork. A roast fresh ham is the King of meat.
AH screw it, I'm not even going to bother