Sources for Virginia - Country hams??
George Cebulka wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> George Cebulka wrote:
>>> Can anybody recommend a mail order or web order company that sells
>>> whole Virginia or Country Hams?
>> I just opened the Thanksgiving issue of Bon Appetit and what do I see
>> but top picks for American hams. The list:
>> Edwards Hickory-smoked Virginia aged ham
>> Finchville Farms country ham
>> Meacham original country ham
>> Colonial Hill Newsom's aged Kentucky country ham
> Cool! Thanks for the list.
You're welcome. I noticed Ranger (?) also recommended that
last source, what are the odds. Anyway, the list had 5 items, I
left one off because it's not what you were looking for. Coming
in at 3rd on that list was:
Benton's domestic prosciutto