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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Sources for Virginia - Country hams??

George Cebulka wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> > George Cebulka wrote:
> >> Can anybody recommend a mail order or web order company that sells whole
> >> Virginia or Country Hams?
> >> I bought a country ham last year from Burgers Smokehouse...It was
> >> really good, but it was rather pricey. So if anybody has any recs,
> >> please let me know.

> > What's the big deal about cured ham, it's just a big ole hog's
> > buttocks with lotsa salt... a plain old fresh ham before it's all
> > fercockted up with chemicals is a thousand times better than any kinda
> > cured/preserved ham... you just gotta have salty pork git yerself a
> > baloney sammiche, or tube steak onna bun, it'll still be salty pork
> > but at least it won't cost ya a whole day's pay for taste in ass salty
> > pork. �A roast fresh ham is the King of meat.

> Sheldon,
> � � AH screw it, I'm not even going to bother

You just did, and made an utter fool of yourself.

I'll bet of every thousand subscribers to RFC only three have ever
tasted fresh ham and only one has ever cooked fresh ham, and none are
you, Deli Ham Boy... because you are obviously afflicted with TIAD.

I don't care how much you pay for some fercocktah ethnic cured ham,
none are in the same league with fresh ham... the most expensive cured
ham you can find is analogous to to how Ball Park tube steak is to
USDA Prime porterhouse.

Why folks want to spend so much money on any cured/preserved ham is
something beyond sane comprehension. I'm positive yoose think gourmet
is a baloney on white with yallow musturd, a bag of potato chips, and
a grape Nehi

I bet the only thing 90 pct of yoose needed to cook dinner tonihgt is
a can opener.

My cats on their worst night eat better than you on your best night.

I shit better chow than you eat.