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Harry Demidavicius
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Default price to sharpen knives

On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 00:51:52 GMT, Eddie >

>As the holidays get closer, I figured I'd better get the kitchen
>knives sharpened. I haven't sharpened knives in years!
>I called a couple places and they want $6.50 per knife regardless of
>size. One wants $85 min. if they come to the house.
>Another shop had a price of $5.00 for large and $3.00 for small.
>Both sound a little high for me. I have about 10-15 with most
>considered large that I'd like sharpened. So I might end up just
>getting one large sharpened and use it for the next couple months.
>Should stay sharp I hope.
>l know nothing of store sharpeners, such as type, price, etc.
>Any other suggestions?
>I'm in the San Jose area

$3.50/knife here - at your door. My butcher does his Customers'
blades for free. [a couple of blades at a time].
