Pepperidge Farms: Mummy bread?
Michael "Dog3" wrote:
> notbob > :
> in
> > I bought a loaf of 12-15 grain PF bread and for reasons I will not go
> > into, left it to rot in a dark corner of a shed. That was over 4 mos
> > ago. Lo and behold, I rediscovered it and gave it a taste.
> > Excellent!!
> >
> > To put it mildly, I was stunned. How can a bread survive, without
> > molding, for over 4 mos? This was not in the dead of Winter. No, in
> > fact, 2 of those months were late July thru early Sept, not especially
> > cool climes during the day. Yet, when I rediscovered said loaf in
> > late Sept, it was literally pristine. No mold, texture intact, etc,
> > and the the flavor quite enjoyable. WTF!?
> >
> > Has PF discovered the secret of the ancients? Can bread be made to
> > last forever? Has the bread industry finally perfected the perfect
> > combination of all those unpronounceable preservatives? One has to
> > wonder. BTW, PF breads seem to be on par with the quality of Orowheat
> > at a minor reduced cost. Check it out.
> >
> > nb ....jes mumbling
> OMG!!!! Sell it on eBay and retire forever ;-) Someone out there will
> surely want it.
It'd *really* be worth something if one of the slices had a "picture" of
Obama or Sarah Palin or the Virgin Mary on it...