Amy Ellis > wrote:
> It won't be a recession, it will be a DEPRESSION and many, including you
> and I, will die because of it.
Don't see why. Many of us live in civilised nations that don't permit
people to die of hunger due to lack of money.
In any case, people have more of a clue about economics these days, and
if the USA can be persuaded to *NOT* pass idiotic `protectionist'
legislation this time (as it did after the 1929 stock market crash),
even the USA might spare itself from another depression (the rest of the
world's leading economies are not run by people that stupid). But only
if the USA's politicians can avoid the sort of terminal stupidity that
****ed up the USA last time around.
> But, before the end, there will be a World War. It will be World War III.
Too late for that, I'm afraid.
> The men at the White House or the Parliament can't stop this one!
It's a good job there are plenty of women in goverment these days.
> It's a fact that many people seem to have a problem admitting.
> Are you prepared for the truth?
I know the truth: loonies have been making pretty much exactly the same
claim since shortly after Jesus died. Many of them have been adament
that they knew the real truth about the future, about how the Apocalypse
was sure to occur on a particular date. And they were all wrong.
I assume that you're exactly as lunatic and exactly as wrong as the
millions of others who have spouted the same nonsense in more or less
exactly the same way over the last 2000 years, near enough.
What makes you think *YOU* are right when everyone who's made your claim
in the past has been completely wrong? Remember we've had nearly 2000
years of your nonsense - at least. It's always been proven nonsense by
the fact that the end of the world has never happened - not when
predicted by all those millions of lunatics, and not at any other time,
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