Food to hoard
About a year ago I decided I wanted a six month food supply in case of
some sort of SHTF (fertilizer hits the oscillator) crisis like we may
be looking at now or in case I find myself unemployed. Now I have
about 15 plastic milk crates in my spare bedroom filled with canned
food, rice, dry beans, flour, bottled water, powdered milk, etc. I
also purchased a deep freezer and have that filled with meat and
leftovers. For about four months I made two shopping trips a week
instead of one, which allowed me to quickly build up a food supply.
I've been looking at websites such as and purchasing
some freeze-dried foods to increase my food supply even further. I
have to keep track of the dates on things and rotate the stock so
nothing goes bad. Some items such as mayonnaise don't store well, and
one has to be careful about the shelf life of foods..I've found that I
sleep much better at night not worrying about what happens to me if I
lose my job or if there is some sort of economic crisis and the food
supply is disrupted.