Thread: "Fast-Food"
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itsjoannotjoann itsjoannotjoann is offline
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Default "Fast-Food"

On Oct 11, 7:01*pm, Corey Richardson >
> In certain food newsgroups, some posters are more than happy to berate
> and ridicule people for eating the occasional burger from McDonalds or
> Burger King or for enjoying a "fast-food" pizza from Pizza Hut. Yet the
> same people are happy to declare that a "fast-food" Indian take-away
> (I've eaten it myself before and, OK, it's good) from ASDA (Walmart) is
> "lovely".
> Why the double standards?
> I have no doubt that the mass-produced curry, as tasty as it may be,
> from ASDA (Walmart) has far more salt and sugar in it than any McD or BK
> burger.
> Food snobbery really does take some strange forms...


I have no complaints about fast food. It's mighty convenient while
out shopping to stop and get something at the food court. Some of the
fast food things are quite tasty, I doubt they're all that healthy,
but I'm not looking for health food when I stop at ________________
(fill in the blank), I'm looking for something to take the edge off my
hunger and stop my stomach from growling.