Gregory Morrow > wrote:
> itsjoannotjoann wrote:
> Amy Ellis > wrote:
> > It won't be a recession, it will be a DEPRESSION and many, including you
> > and I, will die because of it.
> >
> > But, before the end, there will be a World War. It will be World War III.
> >
> > The men at the White House or the Parliament can't stop this one!
> >
> > It's a fact that many people seem to have a problem admitting.
> >
> > Are you prepared for the truth?
> It's time to cut your dosage of Prozac in half.
> ---------------
> GM replies:
> Lol...don't you mean *double* the dosage...
> :-)
Prozac has a tendency to make people angry and paranoid and suicidal in
some cases - as well as damaging the ability to think straight of almost
anyone taking it (as far as I can tell).
Halving the dose might well help. But this person looks like they need
stronger medication - I'd suggest a mallet applied to the back of the
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