In article >,
Corey Richardson > wrote:
> In certain food newsgroups, some posters are more than happy to berate
> and ridicule people for eating the occasional burger from McDonalds or
> Burger King or for enjoying a "fast-food" pizza from Pizza Hut. Yet the
> same people are happy to declare that a "fast-food" Indian take-away
> (I've eaten it myself before and, OK, it's good) from ASDA (Walmart) is
> "lovely".
> Why the double standards?
> I have no doubt that the mass-produced curry, as tasty as it may be,
> from ASDA (Walmart) has far more salt and sugar in it than any McD or BK
> burger.
> Food snobbery really does take some strange forms...
<laughs> It does indeed!!!
I don't eat much fast food for multiple reasons, but I don't look down
on it. Never have, never will! There actually are a lot of healthy ones
if you shop around and are careful. The market demands it.
I'm sure I'd catch hell here if people knew I've been regularly using
"Egglands Best" for the Jelly loaf I make every weekend for dad. They
really are worth the price.
Peace! Om
"He who has the gold makes the rules"
"He who has the guns can get the gold."
-- Steve Rothstein