Broccoli Cole Slaw with pork chops
Lou Decruss wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008 09:42:51 -0700 (PDT), "\"cybercat\" left her baby
> in a hot car while she got high and attended an orgy"
> > wrote:
> >cybercat wrote:
> >
> >> "Lynn from Fargo" > wrote in
> >> On Oct 12, 9:08 am, Lou Decruss > wrote:> On Sat, 11
Oct 2008 19:57:12 -0700 (PDT), bulka
> >>
> >> > > wrote:
> >> > >It's ramen and cabbage.
> >>
> >> > >I'm sure you mean well, probably have some interesting thoughts, but
> >> > >ain't gonna click through a dozen tinypic to fry up some boiled
> >>
> >> > I'm sure she meant well and did even better. If you don't want to
> >> > look then don't, but many of us do enjoy her posts. Why criticize
> >> > something you're not capable of doing yourself?
> >>
> >> > Lou
> >>
> >> ========================================
> >> In the recipes I have, you don't boil the ramen at all. But if you
> >> do saute it in the butter before you put the ingredients together,
> >> It adds a delightful flavor and keeps the ramen from getting so soggy
> >> when you put the dressing on.
> >> Lynn in Fargo
> >> PS: How do you make just one serving of ramen coleslaw - just cut down
> >> all the ingredients?
> >> ***************************************
> >>
> >> An even better question is, where does this puffed-up little *******
get off
> >> telling you how to post?
> >
> >
> >How *was* church this morning, cyberpussie...???
> The idiot doesn't even have the person I talked to quoted. There's an
> 88 year old man with severe mental illness who wanders the streets in
> my neighborhood. I had him in for lunch last Wednesday because he's
> always hungry and I saw him through the window. He ate for damn near
> an hour and we talked the whole time. I'm sure even as crazy as he is
> he made more sense and was able to follow a conversation far better
> than cyberdolt could ever dream of.
Lol...poor cyberdreck can't win for losing. Even Sheryl and Martha knew
when their time here was "up", but cyberclueless hasn't, well, a *clue*.
I'm just waiting for her to call you "classist" again...
" I find Greg Morrow lowbrow, witless, and obnoxious. For him to claim that
we are some
kind of comedy team turns my stomach."
- "cybercat" to me on