Bean Soup
"cybercat" wrote
> "Cheryl" wrote
>> Broadening the scope of what I'll eat.
> How cool is that? Lots of people have real trouble doing this.
Very cool and I apologized for picking on her earlier over 'picky eating'
which I hope she got. I'm not a meamie as you know.
The real trick to adapting to *any* new diet and 'staying with it' is to
replace over time, what you arent supposed to eat, with things you are but
it takes time, often years to really do it right and be happy.
My tale as it is: Mom is a lovely woman, but not a fancy cook and though
she kept 3 meals on the table at all times, it was not more than healthy and
bland. Thats ok as she did a fantastic job of raising 3 kids alone, and
cooking gourmet takes a dim second in anyone's books to that.
As a result though then I moved out, I found there was a huge number of
things I'd never experienced outside the rare badly cooked school lunch. I
knew what to do with canned veggies or a frozen block, but little more. On
my first night of cooking for my roomates, I got relegated to 'bottle
washer' ;-(
I decided then it would not be that way forever. I took to a habit i still
use as much as possible now. Every trip to the store, get at least one new
item (and I dont mean a new frzen dinner brand) that the budget can fit in.
Try it out. Get small amounts, just for testing.
I found out lots of interesting things. Like, cutting up USA huge eggplant
and boiling it in plain water is uucky extreme. (didnt even know to peel
it). Pears in fresh form vice a can, are very good.
As time progressed, I had to adapt for diet needs. First was sugar (family
problem, not hard as was raised low sugar), then cholestrol, and now
lowsodium. I adapt. I find new stuff to replace other stuff.
Wanna cut cholestrol and get exercise? Have a lady miss when killing the
live eel and put it just stunned in your pull cart and then watch it crawl
out in a busy street. OH MY! That was a fun one! (Was a silly gaigin
screaming and of course as i was pulling the cart, I swung it about behind
me to look and see what all the ruckus was. Clueless on on my face in bold
letters, locals loosing it at the sight).
Grin, have fun with food!