firemonkey > wrote:
> wrote:
> >
> > stop the finger pointing, this is about emotionless, philosophically
> > devoid demons in government and on the stock exchange and nothing else.
> >
> > and over-priced housing.
> I blame it on those dastardly Oxonians. They are so very cunning
You're all wrong. (and of course the creatures running things have
emotions. They've also got philosophy by the bucketload as you'd know
if you'd ever listened to 'em. Craphat philosophy if you ask me, but
philosophy nonetheless. I've argued against 'em. I went to school with
the sort of chap who works on the Stock Exchange; I know this because
plenty of 'em ended up there, or nearby in the City).
The basic problem is that we've got a global financial system.
The other part of the problem is that those who have the responsibility
to ensure that it works smoothly have not met their responsibilities.
If it's possible to blame anyone, it's the people who have failed to
give us proper regulation. Either that, or it's the fault of the Secret
Masters of Shambala who have orchestrated the whole thing for their own
nefarious ends. And don't dismiss that `basic paranoia' idea as glibly
as all tha - you never know. The world *is* run by conspiracies,
because all the people in power do in fact make their decisions in
secret, behind closed doors - and then lie to us about it. President,
PM, company director, Grand Master of the Priory of Zion - they're all
the same, except that some of them are imaginary. The big differences
between me and a conspiracy theorist are that: I don't think I know
who's doing the plotting or what they're coming up with, and I think
that there's a myriad of conspiracies running the world, not one big
What we've got now financially is just `one of those things' - one of
those periodic financial hiccups that happens, and this one's
particularly bad because of deregulation in financial markets
(particularly the USA and UK) in the 1980s. If it's a conspiracy to
**** things up, find out who are responsible for the deregulation and
then keeping things badly regulated and you've tracked down the
ostensible sources of our woes.
Me? I'm going to not worry about it at all unless we get hyperinflation
- which would make me laugh like a drain and then give up completely.
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