Bean Soup
In article >, "cshenk" >
> Wanna cut cholestrol and get exercise? Have a lady miss when killing the
> live eel and put it just stunned in your pull cart and then watch it crawl
> out in a busy street. OH MY! That was a fun one! (Was a silly gaigin
> screaming and of course as i was pulling the cart, I swung it about behind
> me to look and see what all the ruckus was. Clueless on on my face in bold
> letters, locals loosing it at the sight).
> Grin, have fun with food!
<lol> That presents quite the picture. :-)
I wish they sold live eel here. All I can get is frozen ones that I
swear are really old!
They sell live catfish and tilapia and stun them by electrocution, then
gut them for you at the asian market.
Peace! Om
"He who has the gold makes the rules"
"He who has the guns can get the gold."
-- Steve Rothstein