Turkey Fryer
I've done 'em both ways and I can't say I prefer one over the other imo both
are better than in the oven birds. I may spin one on the genesis rotisserie
this year not sure. Cooking at my parents and my mother insists traditional
is the way to go. Rest of the family likes non-traditional better so we're
doing 2 smaller birds instead of one huge one. One will be traditional other
will be weber or fried. Frying is easy and fast (only about 3 min a pound)
only thing is to watch the oil temp and keep people/pets away from the pot
"Aria" > wrote in message
> My husband is intent on buying a turkey fryer. It sounds rather gross to
> to fry one but have heard that they are delicious. Wouldn't it add a ton
> more calories to the turkey? Would the skin turn out crispy like cooking
> chicken in a fryer? I am having trouble imagining what it would be like.
> Anyone have preferences between smoked and fried turkey???