Two beginner questions
On Sun, 12 Oct 2008 22:05:05 -0700 (PDT), Eric Abrahamsen
> wrote:
>Sam, Kenneth, Dusty and Will, thank you all SO much for the detailed
>responses! Sort of restores your faith in usenet. This is more than
>enough to make me rethink several of my baking habits, and give me
>fodder for a few more months' of experimentation, though I'm sure I'll
>be back here again. Getting more precise with salt and hydration
>measurements will be step number one. Dusty, I may yet take you up on
>the offer of starter, if mine continues to disappoint...
>Thanks again!
Hi again Eric,
One other thing that I would mention...
I'd suggest that you try to get in the habit of taking
careful notes on the details of the process for each thing
you bake. Keep track of the temperatures, the time, the
weights etc.
I know that it has helped me significantly:
More times than I care to describe, I have had a particular
plan in mind, but then have had the experience of having
some part of the process interrupted, or extended, in one
way or another.
When that sort of thing happens, the results will be
different. They might be better, or worse, but, I have
learned that if I do not write it all down in detail, I
won't be able to reproduce my occasional successes, or avoid
repetition of my failures.
All the best,
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