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Kenneth Kenneth is offline
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Posts: 638
Default Two beginner questions

On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 08:12:03 -0700 (PDT), Will
> wrote:

>On Oct 13, 9:25 am, Kenneth > wrote:
>> I'd suggest that you try to get in the habit of taking
>> careful notes on the details of the process...

>You know Kenneth, that got me to thinking... and I think there's a
>step even before note taking... which is to resolutely, and
>explicitly, follow someone else's notes...follow experience,
>organization, and discipline. One can always ascend to creative chaos
>later :-).
>Jeffery Hammelman, Daniel Leader, Ruth Beranbaum, Peter Reinhart, are
>but a few of the baker-writers who have excellent books available in
>public libraries. Each offers precise formulae and procedures.

Hi Will,

I agree with you completely, and was not intending to
suggest otherwise.

It really is funny when I think of the many times I (for
example) ran out of a particular ingredient:

I would think "Damn... I only have 200g of wheat berries...
But, rather than abandoning ship, I'll try this recipe with
those plus 200g of rye and see what happens."

But too often, the results were great, and I could not
remember how I got there.

All the best,

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