Sheldon wrote:
On Oct 12, 8:52?pm, bulka > wrote:
> On Oct 12, 8:21 pm, notbob > wrote:
> > On 2008-10-13, Sheldon > wrote:
> > > Why would any normal brained person want to waste their time and
> > > energy preparing stock from garbage... may as well use bouillion
> > > cubes, they are much better. ?If I'm gonna take the time and make the
> > > effort to prepare home made stock it's going to be from the finest
> > > freshest most wholesome ingredients. ? Veggies in the US just ain't
> > > all that expensive that I gotta horde slimey rotten produce like a
> > > starving POW... yoose are mentally ill, very SICK!
> > Ah, there's the Shell-shock we all know and don't love. ?Hi Shelley! 
> > What? ?The outside layer of the onion you jes chopped up or the celery
> > jes topped is not as wholesome as the rest of it? ?Maybe u should peel
> > onions sooner. ?Hording rotton slimey produce? ?I don't think I said
that or
> > even implied it, but I can see how you would like to characterize it as
> > for your own bizarre reasons. ?Makes for good shell-shock theater. ?Have
> > drink of warm bouillion and relax, Shel. ? 
> > nb
> I'm gettin' late to the fight, but . . .
> I make great soup.
You make great bullshit.
> Always have a bag in the freezer for onion skins, chicken backs, bones
> or skins of other misc flora or fauna.
You're a disgusting garbage eating freak.
GM replies:
I used to make my stock from crap too until I read your comments here about
using krummy scraps for stock - making. Especially your comment along the
lines of "Would you serve those scraps to your guests?". After that I knew
better, I only make stock from fresh and *whole* ingredients, ix - nay on
the ap - scray garbage...any reputable cookery book will concur. And I now
make *great* stock...some of these ingredient welshers and schnorrers should
study up a bit on the subject.