A Musgovian Delight
"TammyM" > wrote in message
> (for the uninitiated, "Musgovian" is when you try to utilize those items
> in your refrigerator/pantry that "must go")
> I had an enormous quantity of leftover brown rice; egg whites; some red
> and yellow roasted red peppers; some spinach. Remembering (vaguely) a
> recipe from a lowfat cooking site, I pressed the cooked brown rice into a
> pie plate and "painted" it with egg white and baked it at 400F for 7-ish
> minutes. Let it cool. I sauteed some thinly sliced onions until light
> brown. Placed these in the cooled crust. I artfully arranged the pepper
> strips, sprinkled (sparingly) feta cheese and then the spinach. Mixed 4
> more egg whites with about 1 cup of lowfat evap milk and poured over.
> It's baking in the oven right now and looks beautiful! If it tastes as
> good as it looks, I'll be very pleased indeed. If only I could find my
> dig cam....
> Anybody else come up with some creative Musgovian cuisine recently?
You're right, that is very inventive! Who would think of a rice crust?
Sounds yummy.