Asparagus "pee"
On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 19:55:32 -0500, Sqwertz wrote in post :
> :
> Waldo Centini > wrote:
>> Op Mon, 13 Oct 2008 13:23:07 +0200 Joe Kotroczo illuminated the masses
>> with this:
>>>>> It was a poll on 3/12/2008.
>>>> Can you see into the future or something?
>>> Must be a 'mercan if he writes the date the wrong way around. Probably meant
>>> 12/03/2008.
>> We always remember nine-eleven in november.
> And they bombed the London underground on 7/7/2005 just so y'all
> wouldn't get confused.
> -sw
Terrorists are human too.
Tim C.