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Default Questions on Hound's Brine

Barry wrote:
> Thinking of using Hound's brine for our T-day dinner, but first....
> 1. How hot or spicy is it?

Very mild, and I have a moderate palate for heat, unlike some resident

> 2. Are the serranos to be crushed or just put in the liquid?

Both, or you can just chop em up a bit, but yeah, they go into the brine.
Never knew people to crush 'em. I kept the seeds in.

> 3. Rinds from the citrus. Are these to be cut up or just the
> halves?

The rind's (skin) are leftover from what you just juiced. If you take a
grater to them a little bit more flavor'll leach out . Remember, this is a
brine, not a stock, you won't be drinking it.

> 4. Cilantro- just stems, no leaves??

Huh? What are you reading? Leaves only, but you don't have to be anal about
it, strip the leaves off the main stock is all, chop em up some and throw
em in.

Good luck
