"Kathleen" > wrote in message
> Paul M. Cook wrote:
>> I have to explain everything. Oral sex. OK, oral sex. And in case you
>> have not figured it out yet, one can give it as well as receieve it. Not
>> everyone owns a hot tub.
> And, oral sex is not a "get out of jail free" card, as far as STDs go.
> I insisted that my daughter receive the HPV vaccine, Gardasil. It entailed
> a three-shot series of IM injections that are obviously painful, even in
> non-wimpy girls. In Missouri, the shots are available at no cost from
> Planned Parenthood to girls whose health insurance does not cover it.
> Outside this program you're looking at $175.00 per shot - $525 for the
> series.
> Currently, only female teenagers are eligible.
> However, this morning I read that the HPV virus also predisposes both males
> and females to tongue and throat cancers.
> http://www.physorg.com/news143133664.html
> My daughter was literally gleeful at the thought that her younger brother
> might need to receive the same series of innoculations.
Blimey! I'm glad I was born so long ago!