"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> Paco wrote:
>> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Paco wrote:
>>>> "Corey Richardson" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008 06:07:45 -0500, Sqwertz
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> We certainly can't expect our pet troll Cory to know this since he
>>>>>> only reads his own posts.
>>>>> Another couple of lies from you.
>>>> Could Corey be a relative of Jerry's from "across the pond"? Sure
>>>> sounds like some kind of deep-seated, parallel genetic coding.
>>> Oi! Don't you lump him in with us! Bleh!
>> Sorry, but Corey is one of "yours". But, in the interest of
>> international equality, we'll keep Jerry. That is a major concession
>> and sacrifice in the name of world peace. You're welcome. ;-)
> Awwwwww can I not tempt you to keep them together - on your side? Your
> side is much bigger yannow
I'm sorry Ophelia, but we have more than enough problems over here as it is.
You will just have to bear with his stinky pee, gas and idiocy. If it is
any comfort though, we all get to share in the graces of his cross-posting
idiocy. Unfortunate for you, but you're stuck with his stink.