Is iceberg lettuce bad for you?
Andy wrote:
> Kathleen said...
>>Goomba wrote:
>>>Dimitri wrote:
>>>>"kilikini" > wrote in message
>>>>>James wrote:
>>>>>>I know it's basically water and not much else but am I better off
>>>>>>eating it anyway?
>>>>>You're better off with something like Romaine lettuce,
>>>Darker greens have more vitamins.
>>>To me iceberg is just something to eat for the coolness (that high water
>>>content) or crunch. I don't ever bother with it for flavor. Does it
>>>really have much of a flavor??
>>Not much. Iceberg is an excuse to eat salad dressing.
> Iceburg only has it's place shredded for tacos, imho. Romaine, stripped of
> it's ribs serves well on sandwiches such as tuna salad or burgers or BLTs.
> Not as jaw breaking and softer chewing lettuce, it's only fault being it
> doesn't tear without a fight, ime.
I prefer finely shredded cabbage on tacos. It's crunchier, sweeter
tasting, and actually has some nutritional value.