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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Is iceberg lettuce bad for you?

On Oct 16, 3:10�am, Goomba > wrote:
> Dimitri wrote:
> > "kilikini" > wrote in message
> ...
> >> James wrote:
> >>> I know it's basically water and not much else but am I better off
> >>> eating it anyway?

> >> You're better off with something like Romaine lettuce,

> > WHY?

> > Dimitri

> Darker greens have more vitamins.
> To me iceberg is just something to eat for the coolness (that high water
> content) or crunch. I don't ever bother with it for flavor. Does it
> really have much of a flavor??

Other than fiber and bulk (two different qualities) no lettuce has
much nutritional value... even if say one darker leafed lettuce has
twice the vitamins/minerals of iceberg who cares... twice two is
four... when multplying trace elements there is little advantage, no
one eats lettuce for vitamins/minerals. There are many vegetables
that are far more nutrition laden bite for bite... but lettuces offer
something few other foods do, a high percentage of bulk to fiber
ratio... it's much easier to consume a large volume of lettuce than it
is to consume most other raw vegetables in volume (just how many raw
carrots does one consume at a sitting) Eat lettuce every day, and in
generous quantities, just learn ways to enjoy lettuce without oily,
salty, sugary dressings; molded gelatinized salads are an excellent
and interesting way to enjoy letuce.... and they don't necessarily
need to be artificially flavored, real fruit works too, as do
vegetable juices, as do fat free meat aspics And that's just one
catagory, there are literally hundreds. Many of the oriental lettuces
are hardly green at all, but very crisp and piquant, mild mustardy,
radish, turnip flavored sorts, with interesting textures, and low fat/
salt oriental flavored dressings are easy and quick... and for those
not to fond of rabbit food it goes well with cold pasta.