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Nigel Nigel is offline
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Posts: 182
Default Interesting article on black tea in Taiwan

On Sep 30, 2:21*pm, Space Cowboy > wrote:
> Are you saying the DNA of tea plants wouldnt necesarily lead us back
> to the Yunnan region in general or to a specific variety if it still
> existed. *Even if it didnt exist there should be the closest surviving
> variety. *I guess has any DNA work been done on tea?

A little DNA work has been done on tea (I covet a Chinese paper
published about it this year but haven't been able to justify $32 to
acquire a copy). Genetic marker studies tend to throw up as many
questions as they answer but certainly the Indian/Burmese assamica
type is different to the Chinese sinensis type. I suspect that the
large leaf China type really is different 'origin' to the large leaf
Assamica type - and that there never was one single definable origin.
Tea genetic history is complex. Camellia sinensis is self
incompatible - it can only cross breed. This feature, over millenia,
resulted in a highly heterogenous and variable gene pool.
Geographical separation kept the main groups from too much crossing -
then along came man and hybridization went into overdrive.

Nigel at Teacraft