On Thu, 16 Oct 2008 15:46:04 -0400, Tracy wrote:
> Kajikit wrote:
>> There are some that sell them... they usually cost extra because whole
>> wheat flour is about twice as expensive as regular, and there's no so
>> much demand. One of the pizza places around here even makes VEGAN
>> pizzas with non-dairy cheese! Sounds pretty gross to me, but
>> somebody's got to be eating it or they wouldn't be offering them...
> There's a vegan pizza parlor sort of near where I work. College
> neighborhood.
> http://www.scallywaggles.com/
> -Tracy
i don't know how rare this is, but there's a kosher pizza place in wheaton
(md) called 'nut house pizza.' it used to be a roasted nut specialty
your pal,