Supplementing the Elderly (mostly for Jill)
jmcquown wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
>> I think you can do better and for a lot less cost buying the Nestle
>> suppliments... and add it to interesting great tasting smoothies.
>> Horlicks is good too, and Ovaltine.
> I thought for a while all the medical personnel coming over owned
> stock in Ensure or Boost. Everyone kept asking does she drink it?
> No, she doesn't like it. Funny, when I said she drinks Instant
> Breakfast every day they all said "OH! okay, that's good!" Yes, it's
> fine. Add a little malted milk powder... yum!
> Jill
Oh, Jill, thank you, I think I'll do something like that! Where do you get
the malted milk powder? I've never seen it, but I've never looked for it.