Supplementing the Elderly (mostly for Jill)
jmcquown wrote:
> The Cook wrote:
>> On Sat, 18 Oct 2008 23:45:55 -0400, Goomba >
>> wrote:
>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> Are we artificially prolonging what god and man used to call
>>>>> NATURAL CAUSES for our benefit or theirs?
>>>> I think you know how I feel about people pushing religion. The
>>>> physical therapist (PT) marched in and almost immediately asked
>>>> what church we go to. Excuse me? It has absolutely nothing to do
>>>> with her medical care. (And yes I reported her to the agency who is
>>>> sending people to the house.) It's none of their friggin business.
>>>> Jill
>>> Oh geesh... she was probably just making conversation and that
>>> question is very common down south. How have you missed knowing that
>>> being that you've lived in the south so long?
>>> It is asked as a conversation starter not unlike asking what school
>>> you attended?
>>> I think you over reacted entirely.
>> A preliminary to "Do you know . . .?"
> This wasn't ust chat. She was proseletyzing. It's not what she's
> getting paid for.
Questions about religion seem to have become much more frequent in the
past few years. I substitute teach in our public school district, K-12,
and get asked, "Are you a Christian?" all the time by grade school kids.
And the more they like you, the more likely they are to ask.
As it happens, I'm not, but have learned to avoid saying so - I've had
kids literally cry at the thought that I might burn in hell for not
believing. And I have to say I think less of their parents and
religious leaders for making them feel that the state of my immortal
souls is something for a child to worry about.
My stock answer has become, "I talk to God all the time, sweetheart.
Now. Where's your math worksheet?" The part about not expecting an
answer goes unsaid.