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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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In article >,
"<RJ>" > wrote:

> It was late night, I couldn't sleep,
> and I found myself watching the
> Express ( griddle? ) info-mercial.
> It looked like a waffle iron with two pockets,
> and they had a dozen units on the table.
> In the demo, they made everythig from omelets,
> to grilled chicken, to dessert cake.
> ( all for 2 payments of $19.95 )
> By the time they were done, I was almost sold.
> It DID look easy and convenient... ( for 1 or 2 people )
> Has anyone seen the commercial ? bought the product ?
> Any opinions? good or bad ?

Stifle your impulse, RJ. I'll bet you can make a stovetop omelet faster
than it takes that thing to heat up. Stifle yourself. It's one more
thing to wash carefully and store. Stifle.

-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ, Thelma and Louise
On the Road Again - It is Finished